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Common Causes and Costs of Fluid System Leaks


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Where safety and operating costs are paramount, even one leak in a system is too many. When maintaining fluid systems, remember:

  • Making highly reliable metal-to-metal seals is a difficult task – follow manufacturer guidelines precisely.
  • Leaks occur most often in valves and connectors because they are the most prevalent components in facilities.
  • A good leak detection program increases worker safety and decreases risks to your operation.

Read the full blog post on the Swagelok Reference Point ->

Swagelok Calgary | Vancouver | Red Deer | Medicine Hat | Prince George can provide you with a clear snapshot of your facility’s performance with regard to leakage, including a detailed report that documents:

  • The amount of leakage
  • The cost of leakage
  • Steps for moving forward to save money and reduce emissions

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