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How to Calibrate an Analyzer in an Analytical Instrumentation System


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Instrument calibration is one of the most important processes used to maintain the accuracy of an instrument, and is a comparison between a known measurement (calibration standard) and the measurement using the instrument in calibration. But, calibration can be riddled with myriad problems.

This week, Tony Waters - process analyzer consultant and expert in the field - examines the methodology behind proper process analyzer calibration, and addresses common pitfalls that can inhibit the performance and accuracy of your process analyzer.

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Swagelok Sample Probe Module

Swagelok Sample Probe ModuleSample Probe Modules measure the concentration of key components in gas and liquid streams to maintain precise process control. Using sample probes in conjunction with sample probe valves can improve safety as well as sample purity and timeliness. Probe interlocks protect equipment. Valve Interlocks improve safety of operation.

The Swagelok SPM provides a pre-engineered solution for use in online process analyzers. The SPM consists of a welded sample probe (SPW) or retractable sample probe (SPR) and a block-and bleed sample probe valve (SPV).

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