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Weekly Column How to Safely Sample High Viscosity Fluids in Refineries

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How to Safely Sample High-Viscosity Fluids in Refineries

Modern refineries are focused on maximizing value from their production processes, which includes optimizing byproducts like bitumen. Bitumen, a dense liquid derived from crude oil processing and separation, finds use in construction, particularly in asphalt production. Despite its small market size, asphalt production can add profitability to refineries due to its low-cost feedstock. 

However, sampling bitumen presents unique challenges due to its high viscosity. Swagelok Senior Design Principal Engineer, Matt Dixon, shares the considerations that should be made when sampling bitumen or other high-viscosity fluids and liquids. 

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If you face difficulties with high-viscosity fluid sampling or general process sampling, our field engineers are available to assist you. We can provide valuable guidance in specifying, constructing and operating sampling systems effectively.

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