Published Articles
Swagelok experts work with leading industry trade publications, developing articles designed to provide you resources and knowledge on fluid systems. Browse our articles below and be sure to check out our blog, Swagelok Reference Point, as well as follow us on LinkedIn for similar content.
Browse our latest articles
Common Process Analyzer Accuracy Challenges
Originally published in Process Industry Informer | January/February 2025
Sampling systems are among the most complex systems in a plant to manage, as every element of the system has the potential to impact process analyzer accuracy. Tony Waters offers advice on eight common process analyzer accuracy challenges to help facilities better understand these systems and improve their analyzer reliability.
Seven Tips to Achieve a Smoother Plant Turnaround
Originally published in Gas Processing & LNG | January/February 2025
An efficient turnaround is closer than one would think when following these seven tips from Mike Aughenbaugh for successful plant turnaround management.
Selecting the Right Material for Corrosion Resistance (in German)
Originally published in Edelstahl Aktuell | February 2025
Buddy Damm explains how careful material selection, quality testing, and component specification can significantly reduce corrosion risks and long-term costs.
The Cost of Corrosion
Originally published in Hydrocarbon Engineering | February 2025
Mike Aughenbaugh discusses the cost of system issues stemming from corrosion and considers how refineries can best defend against corrosion before it causes serious downtime.
Material Selection for Corrosion Resistance
Originally published in Stainless Steel World Americas | December 9, 2024
When choosing the best materials for superior corrosion resistance, relying on reputable suppliers to guide component decisions can save time and money. Buddy Damm offers the expertise and guidance which can be the difference between system success or failure.
Regular Fluid Systems Audits Can Help Prevent Rig Downtime
Originally published in Offshore | November 2, 2024
Offshore hydrocarbon platforms face significant fluid system challenges that do not occur on dry land: To stay ahead of problems in harsh surroundings, Mark Garvey says owner-operators should conduct regular audits of fluid systems on their rig equipment.
Selecting Valves for Hydrogen Service
Originally published in Chemical Engineering | November 2024
With hydrogen’s evolution into an alternative fuel requiring precise production and storage, selecting the right valves has never been more important. Chuck Hayes looks at challenges and solutions.
Reduce Costs by Following Grab Sampling Best Practices
Originally published in Hydrocarbon Processing | November 2024
Grab sampling plays a key role in quality control, process control, compliance with regulations and verifying the performance of process analyzers. Matt Dixon addresses system design and collection vessel selection.
How to Efficiently Manage Hydrogen (in French)
Originally published in Innovation24|October 15, 2024
Buddy Damm shares insights on preventing embrittlement in hydrogen fuel applications.
How to Make Your Plant Turnaround Smooth and Effective
Originally published in Equipment Digest|October 30, 2024
Seven tips from Mike Aughenbaugh to help make your chemical plant or refinery turnaround much easier to execute.
Why the Right Materials Selection Matters for Fluid System Components
Originally published in Plant Engineering |October 16, 2024
Mike Aughenbaugh provides a look at minimizing corrosion in fluid systems by choosing the right materials to handle specific applications.
Understanding the Key Differences Between Pitting Corrosion and Crevice Corrosion
Originally published in Stainless Steel World Americas|October 2024
Metal components in industrial fluid systems must often operate in harsh conditions. Buddy Damm explains how identifying problems early can empower technicians to improve safety while saving facilities time and money.
Best Practices for Fluid System Maintenance and Troubleshooting
Originally published in Plant Engineering|October 9, 2024
Keeping valves and other fluid system components in peak working condition helps ensure efficient plant turnarounds. Mike Aughenbaugh addresses the important role component installation plays in the process.
Effective Strategies to Reduce Fluid System Leaks and Emissions
Originally published in Processing|October 2024
Most fluid system leaks occur at connection points, but well-designed leak control strategies can lead to significant savings and better system performance. Mike Aughenbaugh looks at the keys to achieving a leak-free operation.
Sampling Gases and Volatile Liquids – Essential Strategies
Originally published in Process Technology|October/November 2024
Sampling various industrial process fluids during a chemical plant’s operation is crucial. Matt Dixon writes about sampling best practices and how they can improve product output and reduce fugitive emissions.
Back to Basics – Testing and Inspection in Stainless Steel
Originally published in Stainless Steel World Americas|October 2024
Stainless steel integrity is highly dependent upon skilled operators working diligently to ensure optimization of its lifecycle. Justin Yule revisits the basics, from tools and methodologies to the impact of effective testing.
Advanced Thermal Control Techniques to Improve Wafer Manufacturing Yield
Originally published in Silicon Semiconductor|September 2024
Hoses play an important role in regulating the environment necessary for semiconductor fabrication. Margaret Brennan outlines choosing the right components, finding optimal insulative balance, and using proper installation and performance testing to maximize production of high-quality chips.
Battling Misinformation: The Real Facts About Hydrogen Vehicles and Refueling
Originally published in Energy Engineering|September 2024
Critics of hydrogen fuel cell vehicles often spread misconceptions to undermine the technology. Chuck Hayes addresses these myths to set the record straight.
Seven Tips to Achieve a Smoother Plant Turnaround
Originally published in Hydrocarbon Processing |September 2024
Ensuring efficient turnarounds are critical to your facility’s overall financial health. Mike Aughenbaugh offers best practices to keep in mind for successful plant turnaround management.
From Small Molecules to Big Solutions: A Green H2 Vision
Originally published in H2 Tech|September 2024
Peter Thomsen shares insights from Everfuel, an H2 production company working to make widespread use of green hydrogen a reality. While there are challenges to its use as a fuel, H2 offers significant opportunities for growth as a solution to climate change.
2024 Finalists - Test and Measurement Product of the Year: Swagelok Ammonia Sampler
Originally published in Instrumentation Monthly | August 2024
The Swagelok Ammonia Sampler has been named a finalist for the 2024 Instrumentation Excellence Awards. Organized by Instrumentation Monthly publisher Datateam Business Media, the awards celebrate the best professionals, products, projects and companies in the test, measurement, sensing and control market.
Material Selection for Corrosion Resistance
Originally published in Stainless Steel World Americas | August 2024
Buddy Damm reviews how to choose the best materials for corrosion resistance and shares how working directly with suppliers can help plant managers make the best material selections to ensure efficiencies and cost savings.
Demystifying Raman Analyzers: A Comprehensive Guide
Originally published in Processing | May 2024
Mike Strobel explains the operation and advantages of Raman analyzers in chemical plants and refineries.
Using Tube Fittings from Different Manufacturers May Lead to Leaks
Originally published in Stainless Steel World Americas | June 2024
Plant operators should strongly consider obtaining all their tube fittings from a single source – Jon Kestner offers insights on the risks of intermixing and interchanging components.
Why a Closed-Loop Sampling System Can Help Reduce Fugitive Emissions
Originally published in Hydrocarbon Processing | July 2024
Around the world, regulations on accidental release of emissions are becoming stricter. Matt Dixon explores closed-loop sampling systems as a means of reducing the chances of unintentional emissions.
Hydrogen Production Requires Specialized Fuel System Components
Originally published in Hydrogen & Fuel Cell Innovation | May 2024
Danish innovator Everfuel is determined to make hydrogen happen – and relies on a strategic partner to help get it done. Peter Thomsen explains.
Tips & Tricks for Designing Mechanical Seals (in German)
Originally published in PumpeDE | May 2024
Sean Hunsicker details best practices in preventing leaks in oil, gas, and chemical processing.
Enhancing Gas Distribution System Efficiencies and Safety
Originally published in | May 23, 2024
Serious risks can result when a gas distribution system is not functioning properly. Jeff DeWitt discusses designing and maintaining systems to enhance safety and control costs.
Overcoming the Ammonia Challenge: Sampling, the Easy Way
Originally published in | May 23, 2024
Many processes require ammonia, and handling this volatile substance is not easy. Matt Dixon explains how optimized processes enable faster sampling of ammonia and contribute to higher accuracy, lower costs and greater employee safety.
Mitigating Embrittlement, Maximizing Safety
Originally published in Global Hydrogen Review | Summer 2024
Specifying the right components for fluid and fuels systems can aid proper function and protect operators and the environment from accidental gas leaks. Buddy Damm presents hydrogen handling best practices.
How Prefabricated Sampling Systems Enable Time and Cost Savings (in German)
Originally published in Armaturen Welt | June 2024
Matt Dixon shares strategies for safer, more accurate and more efficient sampling of ammonia.
Ammonia Sampling System – Make Sampling Safer and More Accurate
Originally published in ACHEMA Show Daily | June 4, 2024
Highlighting the Swagelok Ammonia Sampler’s features to address the challenges associated with manual ammonia sampling.
How to Select the Best Hydrogen Valves
Originally published in ACHEMA Show Daily | June 10, 2024
Choosing the right systems components for hydrogen distribution is paramount. Chuck Hayes offers guidelines and expertise to make the right selections.
Best Practices to Make Plant Turnarounds More Effective and Efficient
Originally published in Processing | April 2024
Mike Aughenbaugh explains how proper planning with trusted partners can make turnaround efforts go more smoothly.
How to Use Relief Valves to Ensure Chemical Plant Safety
Originally published at | March 27, 2024
Proper design and installation of relief valves can keep industrial fluid systems operating efficiently and effectively for years to come. Shaji Arumpanayil provides expert insight.
How to Ensure You Choose the Proper Small-Bore Fittings
Originally published in Instrumentation Monthly | March 2024
Connection points are among the most critical parts of any small-bore fluid system. Sam McCulloch explores the different types of fittings, what role each plays the overall system, and how to make sure the ones you select perform to the highest standards.
Enhance Safety, Accuracy, and Efficiency: A Comprehensive Approach to Ammonia Sampling
Originally published at Process Industry Informer | March 8, 2024
Process industry professionals regularly use anhydrous ammonia in manufacturing – but it must be used within specific parameters to be safe and effective. Matt Dixon details the safest and most accurate means of sampling to ensure the water content in ammonia remains in the right range.
Demystifying Raman Analyzers: A Comprehensive Guide
Originally published at P.I. Process Instrumentation | March 12, 2024
Mike Strobel offers insights on Raman analyzers – a relatively new type of process analyzer rapidly gaining acceptance for specific applications and analyses. Learn what makes Raman analyzers different from other tools, and when they make the most sense to use.
Optimising Process Fluids
Originally published in Hydrocarbon Engineering | February 2024
Mike Strobel explains how Raman analysers can provide meaningful insights into how process fluids are performing in chemical plants and refineries.
Busting Hydrogen Myths: Sustainability
Originally published in Gasworld | February 13, 2024
The world is searching for an alternative to fossil fuels. Chuck Hayes explores whether hydrogen is a sustainable and environmentally friendly alternative as it becomes more common in the transportation sector.
What to Look for in Hydrogen Valves and How to Choose the Right One
Originally published in Stainless Steel World Americas | February 8, 2024
It will take high-quality materials to build hydrogen fueling infrastructure. Chuck Hayes details some of the components crucial to the process.
Busting Hydrogen Myths: Cost
Originally published in Gasworld | February 6, 2024
Is hydrogen too expensive to use as a widespread vehicle fuel source? Chuck Hayes looks at the evidence and debunks some misinformation.
Strategies for Enhancing the Safety, Precision and Efficiency of Ammonia Sampling
Originally published in | January 11, 2024
Matt Dixon explores how moving beyond manual sampling to pre-engineered grab sampling systems can save facilities time and money.
Optimizing Grab Sample Quality and Safety
Originally published in Plant Services’ Fluid Handling eHandbook | December 2023
Every fluid system is unique to a facility’s specific circumstances, but Matt Dixon reviews some universal considerations that must be examined before a system is built.
High-Performance Hydrogen Valves: Practical Tips for Choosing the Right Design
Originally published in Process Technology Online | December 7, 2023
Valves for hydrogen applications must fulfil a wide range of requirements. Dive into selection and specification of these critical components with Chuck Hayes.
Reducing Fugitive Emissions (in German)
Originally published in CITplus | December 2023
Learn how to help reduce fugitive emissions through closed-loop sampling systems in this Matt Dixon article.
Keeping Industrial Fluid Systems Working at Peak Performance
Originally published in Canadian Process Equipment & Control News | December 2023
You have to consider costs beyond the price of a part when deciding whether to replace a single fluid system component. Matt Dixon outlines what to take into consideration.
What to Look for in Hydrogen Valves and How to Choose the Right One
Originally published in Stainless Steel World Americas | December 2023
It will take high-quality materials to build hydrogen fueling infrastructure. Chuck Hayes details some of the components crucial to the process.
Building Better Seal-Support Systems for Pumps
Originally published in Chemical Engineering | December 2023
Brian Rudary explains how adhering to API 682 guidelines will create safe, efficient, and effective mechanical-seal supports in pumping systems.
How to Maximize Hydrogen Production with Electrolyzers (in German)
Originally published in | November 2023
The world hydrogen market is expected to grow exponentially: Ana Dominguez offers insights on reliably ensuring maximum performance of hydrogen production systems.
Closed-Loop Sampling Systems Can Lower Fugitive Emissions Levels
Originally published in | November 2023
Matt Dixon explains how becoming a net-zero facility is easier with the right grab sampling technology.
Checklist: Maintenance and Troubleshooting of Valves (in German)
Originally published in Industriarmaturen & Dichtungstechnik | November 2023
Sam McCulloch delivers the key points of valve maintenance and why it’s important to have upkeep and repair plans in place.
What to Look for in Hydrogen Valves and How to Choose the Right One
Originally published in Valve World Americas | November 2023
As hydrogen becomes a more popular mobility option, Chuck Hayes details specific handling challenges for vehicles and refueling stations, and how the right valves make all the difference.
Sample High-Viscosity Fluids Safely in Refinery Settings
Originally published in Hydrocarbon Processing | November 2023
Grab sampling becomes more complex when it involves bitumen or other high-viscosity liquids. Matt Dixon explores what’s necessary to keep the process safe and running smoothly.
A 9-Step Guide to Optimizing Fluid System Installations
Originally published at | October 31, 2023
This slideshow crafted by Trey Sinkfield can help plants establish and operate better-performing industrial fluid systems to help ensure safe, reliable operation.
Keep Your Maintenance Costs Low with Improved Gas Distribution
Originally published in CPECN | October 12, 2023
Repairing gas pressure control panels can be complicated by poor layout and design: Jeff DeWitt looks at how updating your gas panels can reduce downtime and lower your maintenance costs.
Filters are Essential to Reliable Industrial Fluid System Function
Originally published in Processing | October 9, 2023
Protecting your system from contamination will allow it to operate at peak performance. Bill Ference provides insights in proper filter installation and deployment.
High Performance Valves for Hydrogen Applications (in German)
Originally published in CAV | October 2023
Chuck Hayes discusses the importance of selecting high-performing valves in hydrogen-fueled vehicles and fueling infrastructure.
Proactive Industrial Hose Maintenance
Originally published in Chemical Engineering | October 2023
Alice Chin explores the impacts proper hose maintenance can have on preventing failures, increasing profitability, and improving safety.
Closed-Loop Sampling Systems Can Lower Fugitive Emission Levels
Originally published in Petroleum Technology Quarterly | October 2023
Becoming a net-zero facility is easier with the right grab sampling technology. Matt Dixon discusses steps that operators can take to achieve both short- and long-term goals.
Preventive Maintenance of Industrial Hoses Can Save Costs (in German)
Originally published in Armaturen Welt | September 2023
When you replace a hose matters. Do it too early, and you may realize unnecessary costs. Do it too late, and unplanned downtime may ensue. Alice Chin offers advice for finding the right replacement intervals in this German-language article.
The Risks of Intermixing and Interchanging Components
Originally published in Process & Control | July/August 2023
Intermixing or interchanging fluid system components may seem like a good idea to save money. However, Jon Kestner explains the risks of doing so and why those initial cost savings could quickly disappear when problems associated with component compatibility arise.
Selection of Industrial Hoses - What You Need to Consider (in German)
Originally published in Fluid | Issue 4, 2023
The right hose core tube materials can mean the difference between long-term operation and early failure. Doug Nordstrom details various hose core tube material options and constructions, focusing on the pros and cons of each in this German-language article.
Selecting, Installing and Maintaining Fluid System Filters
Originally published in Process Industry Informer | July/August 2023
Understanding where and how to install filters properly will help to keep systems functioning at peak performance. Bill Ference offers tips for doing just that.
Making Valve Maintenance a Priority at Your Plant
Originally published in sister publications Industrial Equipment News and | August 2023
You should have a thorough understanding of how to maintain and troubleshoot your valves. These insights from Sam McCulloch provide an expert’s view.
Why You Shouldn’t Use Tube Fittings from Different Manufacturers in the Same System
Originally published in Machine Design | August 2023
Using consistent tube fittings can mean the difference between a system that functions properly and one that’s too often down for repairs. Jon Kestner details intermixing and interchanging – and the problems they can create.
How High-Performance Fluid Systems Help Maximize H2 Electrolyzer Production
Originally published in H2Tech | August 2023
With the world moving toward a low-carbon energy future, Ana Dominguez explores the impact of fluid systems in hydrogen production facilities.
Why Materials Science Training Matters to Oil & Gas Instrumentation Engineers
Originally published in Stainless Steel World Americas | August 2023
Joel Martin addresses the importance properly equipping engineering teams with metallurgy and materials science knowledge for handling the complex operations of offshore drilling platforms.
Keep Your Valves Operating Properly to Ensure a Safe Facility
Originally published in Canadian Process Equipment & Control News | August 2023
Valves play many crucial roles in industrial fluid systems. Sam McCulloch explains how the right troubleshooting and maintenance plans keep things efficient, profitable, and safe.
Seven Easy Steps to a More Effective Plant Change (in Spanish)
Originally published in oilgas | July/August 2023
A plant turnaround is a major undertaking that requires careful logistical planning and execution. Juan Manuel Hidalgo details best practices plants and refineries can follow to manage turnarounds more effectively in this Spanish-language article.
New Swagelok Ammonia Sampler Improves Sampling Safety and Accuracy
Swagelok recently launched the new Swagelok ammonia sampler, which is designed to make anhydrous ammonia sampling safer by minimizing operators’ exposure to liquid and vaporized ammonia. The system also introduces consistency into the sampling operation, significantly expedites the sampling process and eliminates the need to transport ammonia samples within the facility. Read more about it in New Products for Engineers;;;;;;;;;;;;; and more.
How to Keep Regulators in Peak Working Condition
Originally published in P.I. Process Instrumentation | June 2023
Shaji Arumpanayil shares a three-step process for troubleshooting common regulator problems and preventing system issues.
Fugitive Methane Emissions: LDAR Campaigns are Getting Smarter
Originally published in Offshore Engineer | June 2023
Michael Aughenbaugh contributed to this article on new technologies boosting leak detection and repair (LDAR) strategies.
How to Sample Gases and Volatile Liquids Properly
Originally published in Process Engineering | June 2023
While grab sampling gases and volatile liquids poses some challenges, Matt Dixon explores the right techniques that can help minimize mistakes and provide an accurate analysis.
Lower Maintenance Costs Through Modern Gas Panel Management
Originally published in Chemical Processing | June 2023
Matt Dixon provides expert insight on modernizing gas distribution components in your system to help you move gas more efficiently and effectively.
Valve Maintenance and Troubleshooting
Originally published in Valve World Americas | June 2023
Valves are essential components in any industrial fluid system. Sam McCulloch maps out short- and long-term maintenance protocols so technicians can solve issues quickly and cost-effectively.
Maintenance Schedule for Industrial Hoses (in German)
Originally published in Chemie Technik | May 2023
Replacing hoses too early can result in unnecessary costs, and too late carries the risk of unplanned downtime. Alice Chin provides details on developing proper replacement intervals.
Choose the Correct H2 Equipment and Services
Originally published in H2 Tech | May 2023
The transition to hydrogen fuel infrastructure and mobility solutions comes with challenges. Chuck Hayes discusses choosing the right components for the job and why it matters.
Identifying and Fixing Problems in Pressure Regulators
Originally published in Stainless Steel World Americas | May 2023
Shaji Arumpanayil outlines a simple program to help ensure your regulators are working properly to keep your fluid systems running at peak performance.
IOGP Spec: How the Latest Small-Bore Tubing and Fittings Enhance Safety for Oil and Gas Producers
Originally published in Canadian Process Equipment & Control News |May 2023
Jon Kestner explores the International Association of Oil & Gas Producers’ latest version of standardized requirements for small-bore tubing, tube fittings, piping, and other components. The new specification marks a move toward safer fluid system operation.
Keep Your Maintenance Costs Low with Improved Gas Distribution
Originally published in Canadian Process Equipment & Control News | June 2023
Updating your gas pressure control panels can help reduce downtime and lower maintenance costs. Jeff DeWitt discusses how panel design, proper connections, and the right components can make a difference.
2023 Readers’ Choice Awards
Originally published in CONTROL | January 2023
Each year, readers of CONTROL write in votes for their preferred suppliers in more than 80 process control and instrumentation technology categories. As a reliable and well-known supplier to the processing and control industries, Swagelok won the top slot in the 2023 Readers’ Choice Awards “Instrument Fittings” category.
Install, Inspect, and Maintain
Originally published in Process & Control | January 2023
Valves play an essential role in the reliable operation of industrial fluid systems. Zian Bedran explores how deepening your knowledge of valve maintenance can help improve plant safety and efficiency.
Extending the Life of Fluid System Components
Originally published in Chemical Engineering | February 2023
The longer a component lasts, the longer a plant can avoid downtime and other related expenses. Brian Aplin explains how proper design, installation, monitoring and maintenance can help chemical plant operators increase the lifecycle of fluid systems.
Selecting the Right Hydrogen Valves for the Transportation Sector
Originally published in Valve World | February 2023
Hydrogen may well be the fuel that drives future transportation. Chuck Hayes discusses the role of valves that will control hydrogen flow in vehicles and refueling systems, and the importance of the proper components.
Enhancing Oil, Gas Platform Operations with the Right Components
Originally published in Plant Engineering | February 2023
The oil and gas market is more focused on safety than ever before. Brian Van Valkenburg notes the increasing importance of reliable, leak-free performance in fluid systems that transport caustic materials at elevated temperatures and pressures.
Hose Maintenance Tips to Ensure Chemical Plant Safety and Minimize Costs
Originally published in Chemical Processing | March 2023
Creating a preventive maintenance program will save time and money over the life of hoses. Alice Chin shares seven keys to an effective preventive maintenance plan.
Strategies for Optimized Maintenance Intervals and Lower Costs (in German)
Originally published in O+P Fluidtechnik | March 2023
Design, installation, monitoring, and maintenance of fluid system components all impact performance and the bottom line. Bryan Aplin shares insights on getting the most from your system.
Selecting the Right Hydrogen Valves for the Transportation Sector
Originally published in Valve World Americas | March 2023
As the world moves away from traditional internal combustion engines, hydrogen may drive future transportation. Chuck Hayes addresses how to choose the most effective and safe valves for controlling the flow of hydrogen within a vehicle and throughout a refueling system.
Tips for Choosing Proper Industrial Fluid System Valves
Originally published in Processing | March 2023
When designing and maintaining industrial, piping and instrumentation systems, it’s crucial to select the right valves. Joe Bush outlines a framework to help designers and technicians choose the right one every time.
Protecting Your Investment: How to Save Money with Industrial Hose Maintenance
Originally published in Hose Coupling World | March 2023
Deciding when to replace industrial hoses can be complicated. Alice Chin explores how regular inspections and detailed record-keeping can increase uptime and reduce costs.
Relief Valves Essential for Chemical Plant Safety
Originally published in Valve World | April 2023
Compressed natural gas (CNG) has become one of the most attainable means of dramatically reducing the emissions associated with traditional gasoline- and diesel-powered vehicles and equipment. Chuck Hayes and Paul LeStrange detail how fluid system components that meet the highest possible safety standards can help such CNG applications advance.
5 Tips to Optimize Sample Cylinder Performance in Chemical Plants
Originally published in Chemical Processing | April 2023
Grab sampling is key to monitoring process conditions. Tristian McCallion looks at how implementing a preventive maintenance plan reduces unnecessary downtime and the associated costs.
Three Steps for Identifying and Solving Common Pressure Regulator Issues
Originally published in Plant Engineering | July 2022
Pressure regulators, among other key components, are central to ensuring industrial fluid systems to have precise temperature, flow, and pressure settings to operate properly. Shaji Arumpanayil lays out a three-step process that can help operators recognize regulator problems and provide solutions before they affect the entire system. Also published in Control Engineering.
5 Ways to Detect and Prevent Pressure Gauge Failures Before They Happen (In Spanish)
Originally published in Industria Química | October 2022
Keeping pressure gauges in good working condition is critical. Dave Ross reviews how to recognize when a gauge is failing so you can make proactive repairs and reduce costly downtime.
How to Turn Around a Plant in Seven Easy Steps
Originally published in Valve World | November, 2022
An effective plant turnaround should maximize efficiencies and minimize costs. But how do you realize both? Randy Rieken provides some tips for plants and refineries to better manage plant turnarounds and save time and money.
Enhancing Chemical Plant Safety with Relief Valves
Originally published in Processing | November, 2022
The proper use and placement of relief valves is a must for safe facility operations. Shaji Arumpanayil describes some critical details about relief valves and their operation to help maximize plant safety.
The Right Fit
Originally published in Global Hydrogen Review | December, 2022
It’s especially important to ensure hydrogen vehicles operate safely and efficiently due to the dangers of pressurized hydrogen. Chuck Hayes details how to choose the best fittings for hydrogen fuel cell technology to enable safe and efficient operation.
How Can Relief Valves Keep Chemical Plants Safe?
Originally published in PROCESS Worldwide | December 15, 2022
Relief valves help operators avoid a variety of safety concerns related to system overpressurization – but only if they’re placed in the right locations. Shaji Arumpanayil provides tips to help plants place these critical components strategically to promote plant safety.
New Swagelok ALD7 UHP Valve
Swagelok recently announced the release of the ALD7 ultrahigh-purity (UHP) diaphragm valve. Compared to Swagelok’s current top-of-the-line ALD6 valve, the ALD7 provides better flow consistency, flow capacity, and actuator speed.
Read more about the ALD7 valve in;;;;; and more.
Swagelok Company Celebrates 75th Anniversary
Swagelok Company is marking its 75th year in business by expanding its workforce on Cleveland’s west side through the addition of positions in its existing Strongsville facility and the purchase of an existing building in Valley City, Ohio.
Read more about the 75th anniversary in;;;;;; and more.
How to Reduce Expensive Fluid System Leaks and Emissions
Originally published in | September 2022
Randy Rieken explains that why leaks may range in severity, they can result in inefficiency and potential danger to the team and the environment.
Keeping Supply Pressure Effect (SPE) Manageable in Pressure-Reducing Regulators
Originally published in | September 2022
Shaji Arumpanayil explains that while there is no way to eliminate SPE in gas systems, there are three ways to reduce it.
Pitting Corrosion vs. Crevice Corrosion: Identifying and Preventing
Originally published in Stainless Steel World Americas | August 2022
Michael Bestic explains why pitting and crevice corrosion can save downtime and money. Additionally, identifying the type of corrosion affecting a system is the first step to eliminating it in the future.
Choosing the Proper Regulator Configuration Can Reduce Droop
Originally published in Hydrocarbon Processing | August 2022
Many factors go into selecting the proper regulator for your system. Shaji Arumpanayil shares that one of those factors is sensitivity to changes in outlet pressure as downstream flow fluctuates, which is often characterized as “droop.”
Build Safer and Reliable Seal Auxiliary Systems (in Spanish)
Originally published in Oilgas | August 2022
Article about building safer and reliable seal auxiliary systems.
Swagelok KEV Series Regulator Acquires Explosion-Proof Certification (in Korean)
Originally published in Today Energy | May 2022
The KEV series regulators have earned multiple certifications including ATEX (Europe), IECEx (International), and CSA (Canada and USA), and its safety for critical and hazardous environments has been verified. The regulator has also received an explosion-proof certification KCs from the Korea Gas Safety Corporation and Type Examination Certificate from Eurofins E&E CML Limited in Japan. This press release provides details on the certification.
Also published in: Korea Gas Newspaper, Energy Daily, HelloT, Complete Automation Technology, Naver Blog of Complete Automation Technology, Yeogie by Complete Automation Technology.
Relief Valves Essential for Chemical Plant Safety
Originally published in Fluid Handling Pro | June 2022
This article explains why it is important to understand when relief valves should be activated and where they should be used to maximize chemical plant safety.
How to Build Better Mechanical Support Systems (in French)
Originally published in Eureka Flash Info | June 2022
Mechanical seals have long been the dominant sealing technology in chemical plants and refineries. Sean Hunsicker shares key best practices that can help your facility enhance the construction and design of your seal support systems so you can improve reliability and safety.
Profiles in Innovation: Plant Engineering 2021 Product of the Year Winners
Originally published in Plant Engineering | May 2022
Swagelok won gold for its gas distribution system.
Bridging the Skills Gap
Originally published in Fluid Handling International | July 2022
Brian Van Valkenburg shares why working with a reliable, reputable supplier can give firms access to resources you may not have on your own.
Three Steps for Identifying and Solving Common Pressure Regulator Issues
Originally published in | July 2022
Shaji Arumpanayil discusses how a three-step process can help operators recognize regulator problems and provide solutions before they affect the entire system.
Also published in
Optimizing Grab Sample Quality and Safety
Originally published in Plant Services | July 2022
Matt Dixon explains that even though every fluid system is unique to a facility’s specific circumstances, there are some universal considerations that must be examined before a system is built to avoid issues in the future.
Maintenance Programs Work Better with Valve and Hose Tags
Originally published in IEN | April 2022
Brian Aplin explains why the right component supplier can help you design an efficient, effective tagging program.
Also published in and
How Using Valve Tags Can Streamline Maintenance Programs
Originally published in Valve World Americas | April 2022
Industrial fluid systems have dozens of valves that control the flow of critical fluids from one part of the system to another. Brian Aplin shares why mission-critical data on tags can help prevent significant downtime.
Also published in Hose & Coupling World.
The Basics of Small-Bore Fittings
Originally published in Power & Motion | April 2022
A variety of small-bore tube fittings are available for hydraulic and industrial fluid systems. Natalie Hagan explains why making the right choice based on system requirements is critical.
Complexity reduced in floating production storage and offloading vessels
Originally published in Oil and Gas Engineering | April 2022
Floating production storage and offloading (FPSO) vessels deliver the same functionality as stationary oil & gas platforms while being able to relocate as economic headwinds or drilling opportunities change. As such, they’ve emerged as an efficient way to take advantage of oil fields across the globe. Tommy Jamail Jr. examines some of the complexities of commissioning these systems throughout the construction process.
How Proper Fittings Can Improve the Performance of Hydrogen Fuel Systems
Originally published in Advanced Clean Tech News | January 2022
As research into hydrogen fuel cell vehicles intensifies, it’s critical to acknowledge the challenge of developing safe, reliable fuel cells — a challenge presented by hydrogen itself. Chuck Hayes and Chuck Erml explain why the fittings in hydrogen applications, particularly those that connect the most critical parts of high-pressure hydrogen fuel systems, must be capable of delivering high levels of performance and reliability.
Swagelok Provides a Deep Dive into Hydrogen Fittings and Its Importance for the Mobility Sector During H2 View Webinar
Originally published in H2 View | March 2022
Chuck Hayes provides a deep dive into hydrogen fittings and its importance for the mobility sector.
Choose the Most Effective Components for H2 Fuel Cell Vehicles
Originally published in H2 Tech | March 2022
As part of the industry-wide drive to develop high-efficiency, low-emissions vehicles, manufacturers are investing significant revenue in H2 mobility and its related infrastructure. Chuck Hayes discusses how you can choose the most effective components for H2 fuel cell vehicles.
Improving the Safety and Efficiency of Gas Distribution Systems
Originally published in P.I. Process Instrumentation | March 2022
Matt Dixon shares how third-party field engineers can help to uncover savings opportunities and achieve gas distribution goals through standardized, highly configurable gas delivery solutions.
Controlling Fugitive Emissions
Originally published in Process Control | February 2022
Though the topic of fugitive emissions is not a new one, it remains essential to understand how these unwanted leaks can affect the long-term profitability of your chemical processing and refining facilities. Chuck Erml explains how low-emission valves can streamline your facility’s operations.
The Virtues of the Virtual
Originally published in Plant Engineering | February 2022
Onsite visits play a key role in improving the safety, performance and reliability of fluid and sampling systems, but can be difficult to arrange such visits due to the cost of bringing an entire team onsite, as well as the additional time and effort required by facility leadership to lead the engineers through an evaluation. Stacey Phillips explains why a semi-virtual alternative to a traditional onsite visit offers great promise for the future.
5 Minutes with Mnet: Grab Sampling for Quality Control
Originally published in | February 28, 2022
The processing industry requires precise methods to ensure quality and consistency. The stakes have never been higher. Matt Dixon discusses how to enhance grab sampling system safety, in order to ensure accurate processing.
Read more in, and
2022 Readers’ Choice Awards
Originally published in CONTROL | January 2022
Each year, readers of CONTROL write in votes for their preferred suppliers in more than 80 process control and instrumentation technology categories. As a reliable and well-known supplier to the processing and control industries, Swagelok won the top slot in the 2022 Readers’ Choice Awards “Instrument Fittings” category.
Semiconductor Manufacturing: Past, Present, and Future
Originally published in | January 2022
The semiconductor industry has learned to control for process challenges, often through advanced fluid system components and designs, which has positively affected results. Lawrence Crynes, Market Manager, Semiconductor for Swagelok Company, discusses why it’s important to understand the past, present and future of semiconductor manufacturing and what it means for the components that make it work.
How to Choose the Best Valve for Your Industrial Application
Originally published in IEN | February 2, 2022
Choosing the proper components for your industrial fluid systems is critical to ensuring they function as intended; one of the most important components to consider are the valves, which give operators the ability to control system fluid flow in ways that are most appropriate for the application’s needs. Joe Bush shares the several different valves available to ensure proper selection for your fluid system.
Also published in,, and
2021 Breakthrough Products Awards Winners (Swagelok Gas Distribution Program)
Originally published in Processing Magazine | December 2021
Processing’s annual Breakthrough Products Awards honor innovative technology solutions that made significant contributions to improvements in the process industries within the last year. The Swagelok Gas Distribution Program was one of the 2021 award winners.
Troubleshooting Regulators: A Quick Guide
Originally published in | December 2021
Industrial fluid system processes rely on precise fluid temperature, flow, and pressure settings to operate as intended. Many key components, including pressure regulators (or pressure-reducing valves), are critical in maintaining your necessary process conditions. This step-by-step guide troubleshoots some of the most common problems pressure regulators can experience.
Rigorous Testing is Necessary to Ensure Pressure Regulator Performance
Originally published in | December 2021
Pressure regulators are used in a variety of industrial environments, so it is important to make sure they are working effectively. Dave Parkes discusses how the combination of engineering excellence and meticulous lab-based analysis could improve the chances that your regulators will perform as promised.
Minimize the Costs of Fugitive Emissions with Low-E Valves
Originally published in Energy Management | Winter 2021
Fugitive emissions are an important topic for chemical processing and refining facilities, because they can negatively impact profitability and compliance with environmental regulations. Randy Rieken examines how low-emissions valves can help ensure regulatory compliance.
Maximizing Return on Investment from Your Process Analyzer
Originally published in P.I. Process Instrumentation | December 2021
Process analyzers are a significant monetary investment, but they have major potential to improve production outputs and reduce downtime. Karim Mahraz explores how process control, quality assurance and plant safety can influence your return on investment analysis.
Change the Hose at the Right Time (in German)
Originally published in Fluid | November 2021
A proper replacement schedule for industrial hoses is an overriding concern for plant managers and engineers, since replacing hoses too early can incur unnecessary costs, but replacing them too late risks failures. Alice Chin walks through a step-by-step strategy that can be used to prepare an appropriate preventive hose maintenance plan.
Overcome Resource Limitations with Fluid Systems Manufacturing Services (in Spanish)
Originally published in Industria Quimica | October 2021
Fluid system operators are tasked with maximizing value from their systems to enhance plant and refinery operations. Yet, many common inefficiencies threaten that mission. Michael Mohlenkamp reviews some common assemblies that require expert attention from assemblers, including grab sampling panels, seal support systems, and gas distribution panels.
New Semiconductor Fab Construction Depends on High-Performing Fluid Systems
Originally published in SMT Today | October/November 2021
A couple considerations are necessary when building a new semiconductor fabrication facility (fab), including how fast the fab can come to market and how to contain costs. Masroor Malik discusses five ways taking a careful approach to designing and installing fluid systems can contribute to a more profitable fab.
Announcing the 2021 P.I. Process Instrumentation Innovation Awards Winner and Honorable Mentions - WINNER: Swagelok Gas Distribution Program
Originally published in | October 2021
P.I. Process Instrumentation’s annual Innovation Awards program has recognized the latest solutions in fluid and gas handling applications for more than 20 years. Read about how the Swagelok Gas Distribution Program earned top honors with the 2021 Innovation Award.
Updating Fluid Systems
Originally published in Petroleum Technology Quarterly | Revamps (October) 2021
Whenever there’s a plant turnaround, chemical plants and refineries must consider all the nuances involved before undertaking one and it’s never a simple task. Scott Nunnery and Nathan Bradley share tips on how to achieve effective installation of fluid system components during this type of event.
Optimizing Gas Distribution Systems (in German)
Originally published in Chemie Technik | September 2021
No matter how a gas distribution system was built, there are likely ways to reduce inefficiencies that could lead to a lower total cost of operation and a safer environment for workers. Jon Kestner reviews how to identify common challenges in gas distribution systems and offers ways they can be addressed.
Ensure Gas Distribution is Safe and Efficient
Originally published in Plant Engineering | September 2021
Ensuring a safe, continuous supply of primary and specialty gases to support critical processes is important to many laboratories, test centers and industrial sites. Karim Mahraz reviews advice for improving the safety and efficiency of gas distribution systems.
How Proper Fittings Can Improve The Performance Of Hydrogen Fuel Systems (in Spanish)
Originally published in oilgas | July/August 2021
As research into hydrogen fuel cell vehicles intensifies, it is critical to acknowledge the challenge of developing safe, reliable fuel cells — a challenge presented by hydrogen itself. Chuck Hayes and Chuck Erml review how having fittings that offer excellent seal tightness, grip strength, and ease of installation can enhance leak-tight performance and safety for hydrogen fluid systems used on these vehicles.
Adding Tags to Your Valves and Hoses Can Streamline Your Maintenance Program
Originally published in Process Industry Informer | July/August 2021
A maintenance technician’s job is that much tougher when clusters of hoses and valves within an industrial fluid system are not labelled, requiring careful reviews of schematics to identify what component does what. Jon Kestner shares how a robust tagging system for hoses and valves throughout a facility’s fluid systems can help the facility simplify maintenance and minimize system downtime.
Best Practices for Process Instrumentation Lines
Originally published in P.I. Process Instrumentation | August 17, 2021
Safety and accuracy are top priorities when measuring pressure, flow, or level within a process stream. Chuck Erml offers tips to help enhance the accuracy of final measurements, while also boosting safety.
Safe Seals Make for Safe Plant Operations
Originally published in Process Engineering | August 3, 2021
Mechanical seals are critical for safe operation in refineries and chemical plants. Sean Hunsicker shares a variety of best practices that will help ensure their proper operation.
Keeping Fugitive Emissions Down with Low-E Valves
Originally published in Hydrocarbon Processing | August 2021
Unmitigated fugitive emissions can be detrimental to a facility's bottom line, as well as the environment. Sean Hunsicker reviews methods for reducing fugitive emissions by instituting an enhanced leak detection and repair program (LDAR) and installing low emission (Low-E) valves.
How to Ensure Your Industrial Fluid System is Safe
Originally published in IEN | July 1, 2021
It is critical to optimize the performance of industrial fluid systems to help ensure the safety of plant workers and technicians, as well as the quality of the end product. Mike Frost provides a handy checklist for reviewing the most important parts of fluid systems to help enhance both safety and quality.
Read more in, Manufacturing Business Technology and
Tips for Selecting the Right Industrial Fluid System Valves
Originally published in Fluid Handling Pro | June 14, 2021
Without the right valve for a specific application, fluid systems may perform improperly or poorly, face increased downtime, and encounter avoidable safety risks. To make the optimal valve choice, Swagelok recommends the STAMPED method, which accounts for Size, Temperature, Application, Media, Pressure, Ends (or fittings), and Delivery. This article details how careful consideration of each variable will help you make the right valve selection.
Swagelok Enhances Online Purchasing at
New platform upgrades to are providing enhanced e-commerce functionality and a more user-friendly design, making it easier for customers to search for, navigate, filter, and purchase products.
Read more about the website updates in Fluid Power World and Fluid Handling Pro.
How the Right Grab Sampling System Can Improve Overall Sample Quality
Originally published in Industrial Process Products & Technology | June 2021
Getting a proper representative grab sample and maintaining its condition while it travels to a lab depends on a variety of best practices. Stacey Phillips reviews several tips to help designers, installers, and operators improve the overall quality of samples collected and sent to laboratories for testing.
How to Optimize Your Gas Distribution System (in German)
Originally published in cav (Prozesstechnik für die Chemieindustrie)| June 2021
Many gas distribution systems are being left undermaintained and vulnerable to inefficiencies due to a lack of sufficient internal resources to maintain them. This neglect may lead to inefficient gas bottle usage or undetected leaks. Karim Mahraz helps readers uncover savings opportunities and achieve gas distribution goals through standardized, highly configurable gas delivery solutions in this German-language article.
7 Tips for Building Safer Industrial Fluid Systems (in Korean)
Originally published in Energy Newspaper | May 12, 2021
Fluid systems transporting high-pressure, high-temperature fluids and gases must be properly designed, calibrated, and operated to reduce risks. Swagelok Korea provides important tips for fluid system engineers and technicians to help them reduce risks. In addition, the newly established Gwangmyeong office of Swagelok Korea is featured. The office features a solutions center where high-purity and general industrial fluid systems are assembled, a training center where regular training is conducted and skills are practiced, and a service center that specializes in supporting Swagelok orbital welding machines.
How to Use the STAMPED Method to Match the Right Valve to Your System
Originally published in Plant Services | April 26, 2021
The wrong valve choices for industrial fluid and instrumentation systems can lead to poorer performance, potential safety risks, and increased downtime to resolve issues. Joe Bush offers advice for navigating the many varieties of valves available to choose the one best suited to the application.
What to Consider When Replacing Your Industrial Hoses
Originally published in P.I. Process Instrumentation | March 2021
Hose core tube materials can make or break an application, providing long service lives or creating system problems. Doug Nordstrom helps readers choose hoses wisely by reviewing the pros and cons of various hose core tube material options and constructions.
Fluid System Components for the Petrochemical Industry (in German)
Originally published in Chemie Technik | March 2021
The close collaboration between Swagelok and INEOS has contributed extensively to the safe operation of INEOS’s petrochemical facility in Cologne, Germany. Vera Weski and Andreas Growe describe how Swagelok’s trusted reliability helps INEOS ensure petrochemical safety in this German-language article.
Optimizing Valve Selection - A Stamp of Approval
Originally published in Process & Control | February 2021
Selecting the optimal valves for industrial fluid systems and sampling systems requires careful consideration. Joe Bush details how to apply the practical STAMPED method to select the valves most suited to particular applications.
Swagelok Wins Readers’ Choice Award
Originally published in CONTROL | January 2021
Each year, readers of CONTROL write in votes for their preferred suppliers in more than 80 process control and instrumentation technology categories. As a reliable and well-known supplier to the processing and control industries, Swagelok earned the top slot in the 2021 Readers’ Choice Awards “Instrument Fittings” category.
Build Safer and More Reliable Seal Support Systems
Originally published in Chemical Processing | February 2021
Mechanical seal support systems serve a critical role in the proper functioning of seal and pump systems, so maintaining their integrity is paramount. Sean Hunsicker reviews some best practices based on API 682 guidelines that can help plants make their mechanical seal support systems last longer, work better, and maintain long-term safety.
Execute an Effective Plant Turnaround in Seven Easy Steps
Originally published in Plant Engineering | February 2021
A plant turnaround is certain to involve inherent complexity – likely with hundreds of technicians from multiple vendors all working on maintenance, revamping, and renewal projects at once. It can be a major challenge, and a poorly managed turnaround can be costly. Lawrence Crynes details best practices plant or refinery owners and operators can follow to manage plant turnarounds more effectively, saving significant time and money in the process.
Steve Sparkes, Vice President, Asia-Pacific interview: “Swagelok is an expert in providing fluid system solutions” (in Korean)
Originally published in Korea Gas Newspaper | January 8, 2021
Steve Sparkes, Vice President of Swagelok Asia-Pacific, spoke to Korea Gas Newspaper to discuss Swagelok’s products and solutions and how they meet customer needs in the Asia-Pacific region. He also describes Swagelok’s presence in the Korea market through the newly-relocated and renovated Swagelok Korea sales and service center.
2020 Processing Breakthrough Product Awards Winners: GB Series Ball Valve
Originally published in Processing | December 2020
The Swagelok® GB series ball valve won a 2020 Processing Breakthrough Products Award for being an innovative technology solution that delivers signi¬ficant improvements to the process industries. The new full-bore, bidirectional flow-capable valve provides high flow rates while simplifying installation, minimizing rework requirements, and delivering reliable shutoff performance for safe, efficient operation.
2020 Plant Engineering Top Plant: Swagelok Co. Excels by Looking to the Future
Originally published in Plant Engineering | December 2020
Plant Engineering named Swagelok its 2020 Top Plant for best practices related to safety, commitment to training, workforce development and digital transformation. This feature describes how the company’s focus on these values, as well as its forward-leaning response to the Coronavirus, has enabled success.
Business Needs Boost Maintenance Improvements
Originally published in Process Engineering | November/December 2020
A pressure gauge not functioning accurately may lead to lower quality system output due to the loss of valid data and the resulting effects of too much or too little system pressure. Dave Ross provides five tips for assessing the health of pressure gauges in this feature article.
Swagelok Launches Gas Distribution Program to Enhance Safety
Originally published in Chemical Processing | December 11, 2020
The new Swagelok gas distribution program offers a complete suite of services and fully engineered subsystems designed to help enhance safety and increase the uptime of gas distribution systems in industrial facilities.
Read more about the gas distribution program in gasworld, IPP&T, New Products for Engineers, FluidHandlingPro and
Eight Best Practices for Improved Laboratory Grab Sampling (in Spanish)
Originally published in Quimica | October, 2020
For grab sampling activities to provide a clear picture of the true condition of materials flowing through process streams, samples must be representative. In addition, the process must be safe for operators. Karim Mahraz provides eight tips to help operators enhance system accuracy and safety when conducting grab sampling.
Cost of Leaks Add Up: Swagelok Looks to Educate Tire Makers on Improved Hose Protocol
Originally published in Rubber & Plastics News | November 16, 2020
Combating common fluid system leaks in tire facilities is a worthwhile process, as leaks of compressed air, steam and condensate, and hydraulic oil can cause massive losses. Jason Duncan explains how attention to identifying and fixing leaks can have a significant positive impact on their bottom lines.
Identifying Unique Hydrogen Fuel Cell System Demands and How to Meet Them
Originally published in OEM Off-Highway | October 22, 2020
Hydrogen has emerged as a promising alternative fuel option, but careful consideration must be made in the design and materials selection of critical fuel system components. Chuck Hayes reviews tips for selecting and specifying hydrogen componentry to ensure the reliable operation of vehicles and infrastructure.
5 Ways to Detect and Prevent Pressure Gauge Failures Before They Happen
Originally published in Processing | October 2020
Pressure gauges are a critical part of any fluid system, and it is imperative that they remain in good working condition at all times. Dave Ross reviews some important tips for how to recognize the signs of a failing gauge, minimize risk to employees, and reduce costly downtime to make repairs.
Four Common Grab Sampling Deficiencies and How to Fix Them
Originally published in PROCESS Worldwide | October 19, 2020
Grab sampling is an important function in industrial fluid systems, but a few common problems can negatively impact efficiency, representativeness, and operator safety. Danny Van Den Burg reviews some best practices that can help to ensure the safe, efficient capture of representative samples.
Custom Adapters, Tubing Eliminate Leaks, Allow Retrofitting
Originally published in Pipeline & Gas Journal | July, 2020
The stakes are high for component performance in the natural gas pipeline industry, and fugitive emissions should be curbed wherever possible. In this case study, Lawrence Crynes reviews how HOERBIGER Engineering Services relies on specially designed fuel injector adapters from Swagelok that provide leak-tight connections to eliminate fugitive emission worries.
Sampling Systems: Single Line or Fast Loop? (in French)
Originally published in Les Journal des Fluides | September 2020
In an analytical sampling system, the goal is to convey fluid from the process stream to an analyzer as efficiently as possible to avoid lengthy time delays between sampling and analysis. Achieving optimum efficiency is well within your reach by following the strategies Randy Rieken details for obtaining the desired flow in a sampling system in this French-language article.
How Compression Fittings Can Optimize the Performance of Oil and Gas Assets (in Spanish)
Originally published in oilgas | September 2020
Critical, medium-pressure oil and gas applications have long relied on cone and thread fittings for safe and reliable fluid system performance. However, these fittings require careful, time-consuming installation at every connection point. As a welcome alternative, today’s newer compression fittings enable efficiencies with dramatically faster installations. Chuck Erml reviews the key differences between the two fitting types in this Spanish-language article.
Select and Specify Efficient, Accurate Grab Sampling Systems
Originally published in Plant Engineering | September, 2020
Grab sampling plays a key role in helping operators maintain quality control, regulatory compliance, and assurance that products are up to specification. Matt Dixon provides some practical tips to help operators maintain accuracy by creating good system designs and choosing the right sampling vessels.
6 Tips for Maintaining Industrial Fluid System Safety
Originally published in Processing | September, 2020
Following best practices for the design, installation, and operation of industrial fluid systems can help enhance safety plantwide. Mike Frost reviews some key safety tips, including simplifying system designs, selecting applicable components, and avoiding intermixing tubes and fittings from different manufacturers.
Fugitive Emissions - Being Proactive and Specifying Certified Low-Emissions Valves Prevents Costly Retrofit Headaches
Originally published in IPP&T | September, 2020
Fugitive emissions can negatively impact a company’s profitability if left unchecked. Selecting the right fluid system components is a necessity to keep such emissions under control. Sean Hunsicker reviews how plants can protect their facilities and bottom lines by using certified low-emissions (Low-E) valves.
Your Industrial Fluid System Safety Checklist (in Korean)
Originally published in Korea Gas Newspaper | August 12, 2020
Industrial fluid systems are responsible for transporting high-pressure, high-temperature liquids and gases throughout plants in numerous industries. In this Korean-language article, Taeho Kim explains how critical it is to optimize the performance of these system for both the quality of your end product, and the safety of your plant workers and technicians.
How to Isolate Systems with Block Valves
Originally published in Plant Engineering | July 2020
Safe industrial fluid system maintenance requires isolating any line in which work will be performed. Without proper isolation, fluid inside a line – which is often pressurized – could pose significant risks to technicians. Joe Bush describes two approaches for designing a two-block valve system to enhance operator safety when changing a gauge or measurement device.
Swagelok Company Expands in Asia-Pacific Region to Support Growing Market (in Chinese)
Originally published in Modern Chemical Industry (WeChat) | June 25, 2020
In this Chinese-language article, Swagelok is showcasing its commitment to growth in the Asia-Pacific region by investing in measures designed to help regional customers overcome business challenges and meet the pace of demand in a competitive marketplace. Recent investments have included the appointment of a vice president of the region, the dedication of a new regional office in Singapore, and an extensive expansion of the company’s manufacturing plant in Changshu, China.
Swagelok’s Safety Solutions on Industrial Fluid System to Promote the High-Quality Development of the Petrochemical Industry (in Chinese)
Originally published in International Pumps & Valve News for China (WeChat) | May 27, 2020
China’s petrochemical industry is increasingly focused on building safe and efficient fluid systems within their facilities. In this Chinese-language article, Swagelok summarizes seven tips to build safe systems, while maintaining the sustainability of the system.
Why a Well-Trained Team Can Benefit Your Operations (in Spanish)
Originally published in oilgas | May/June 2020
With chemical plants and refineries facing the looming threat of skilled workers nearing retirement, facility managers are concerned about the resulting skills gap and how to maintain operations. Ziad Bedran provides useful tips for how to shrink that gap via training that builds and reinforces essential fluid system skills in this Spanish-language article.
Types of Corrosion and Materials to Combat Them
Originally published in Petroleum Technology Quarterly | Q3 2020
Various forms of corrosion threaten the integrity of fluid system components and tubing used on large offshore platforms. If not detected early, corrosion can lead to costly shutdowns, repairs, and even accidents. Gerhard Schiroky shares advice for identifying types of corrosion and how to select optimal materials of construction to combat them.
Enhancing Hydrogen Fuel Delivery System Safety and Efficiency
Originally published in BUSRide Maintenance | May/June 2020
With multiple tanks of high-pressure, flammable gas on board, safety is the top priority for hydrogen-powered buses and trucks navigating populated city streets. Gavin Pettifer reviews how Swagelok has helped Luxfer Gas Cylinders enhance the safety of its hydrogen fuel delivery systems, as well as its efficiency in fabricating those systems.
New Swagelok GB Series Ball Valve Brings Added Safety, Simplified Installation to High-Flow Applications
Originally published in Hydrocarbon Processing | June 2, 2020
Introducing the Swagelok® GB series ball valve - a new full-bore, bidirectional flow-capable valve engineered to provide high flow rates at a working pressure of 6000 psig (413 bar). The valve also simplifies installation, minimizes rework requirements, and delivers the reliable shutoff performance needed to keep workers safe and systems operating efficiently.
Read more about the GB Series Ball Valve in gasworld, PCN Europe and Fluid Handling International.
How to Maintain Leak-Free Systems
Originally published in Plant Services | June 2020
It is critically important that all systems responsible for containing and transporting process gases like hydrogen fluoride, hydrogen sulfide, and other harmful substances operate free of leaks to avoid the release of fugitive emissions. Ken Backus reviews how educated and empowered employees can help reduce fugitive emissions and drive improved refinery safety.
A “Standards” Approach to Specifying Fluid System Components
Originally published in E&P | June 2020
Ensuring repeatability and reliability in fluid system assemblies depends on following exacting manufacturing and material standards to produce quality components every time. Matthew Gallaugher describes how asset owners can realize better outcomes when they require that manufacturers take a standards approach to specifying materials and components.
Doing More with Less: Extending Critical Fluid System Resources
Originally published in Hydrocarbon Processing | May 2020
Plants and refineries face many common inefficiencies that threaten the ability of fluid system operators to maximize value from their systems and enhance facility operations. Dwindling technical staffs are a major contributor to such inefficiencies. Bill Menz reviews how plants can save internal resources and enhance operations by working with reputable suppliers to provide fluid system assembly services.
Overcoming ALD Limitations to Maximize Manufacturing Precision and Efficiency
Originally published in Semiconductor Digest | April/May 2020
ALD processes are requiring higher performance and precision as semiconductor manufacturers seek to reach new levels of innovation and productivity. Matt Ferraro explains how the next generation of ultrahigh-purity ALD valves — including Swagelok’s ALD20 UHP valve — are opening new opportunities for high-quality depositions without sacrificing process efficiency.
How to Optimize Tubing Material Selections Using the PREN Value
Originally published in Oil and Gas Facilities | April 23, 2020
When battling fluid system corrosion in marine oil and gas applications, material selection is your first line of defense. Brad Bollinger details how to recognize pitting and crevice corrosion, as well as how to optimize tubing material selections for such applications based on the material’s PREN value.
Swagelok Shares its Best Practices for Essential Manufacturing Operations
Originally published in Plant Engineering | April 13, 2020
Deemed an essential business during the coronavirus (COVID-19) crisis, Swagelok has taken a number of steps to continue operations and serve critical industries. Plant Engineering describes Swagelok’s highly deliberative approach that relies on an abundance of caution, key documents, and individual responsibility.
Plant Engineering content manager Kevin Parker discusses the steps Swagelok has taken to continue operations and serve critical industries during the coronavirus (COVID-19) crisis.
Swagelok Donates N95 Masks to Local First Responders, Hospital Systems
Originally published in Hydrocarbon Processing | April 6, 2020
Swagelok is donating up to 20,000 N95 respirator masks to local emergency medical services and hospital systems in Ohio and Pennsylvania to support the fight against the coronavirus (COVID-19). Hydrocarbon Processing provides details about the donation to help healthcare workers on the frontlines.
Read more about Swagelok's donation in Gasworld, Processing, and Flow Control.
Who Knocks in the Pipe? On the Trail of the Pressure Surge (in German)
Originally published in PROCESS | March 2020
Water hammer is a common yet often unidentified problem that poses a significant threat to any liquid sampling system. Karim Mahraz discusses tips on how to evaluate the variables that cause water hammer and how to adjust them to minimize the phenomenon in this German-language article.
Boosting Productivity? Then Look to Your Fluid System
Originally published in Process Engineering | January / February 2020
Maximizing fluid system efficiency is a must to boost productivity, as well as reduce costs and downtime. Stacey Phillips covers strategies for improving fluid system efficiencies, including prioritizing leaks, optimizing components and inventory, and simplifying design and assembly practices.
Maximizing Component Life
Originally published in Fluid Handling International | January / February 2020
While a plant should never compromise safety, it’s also critical to keep costs down while obtaining the longest life possible from components. Cory Cottrill describes five key strategies to extend fluid system maintenance intervals, reduce costs and enhance safety in the process.
Process Measurement – Impulse Line Best Practices
Originally published in Processing | January / February 2020
It is often hard to know when a process instrumentation line is not performing well, especially if one’s attention is focused solely on the transmitter. Chuck Erml provides advice for solving problems within process instrumentation lines to enhance the accuracy of final measurements.
New Fittings Technologies Offer Leak-Tight Connections for Topsides Fluid System Applications
Originally published in Offshore | December 2019 / January 2020
A change in the fittings technology used for medium-pressure fluid system applications can yield major life cycle cost savings for offshore topside assets. Chuck Erml describes how switching from traditional cone and thread fittings to FK series compression fittings allows assemblers to install fittings about five times faster, while virtually eliminating rework needs during hydrotesting and acceptance testing.
Sampling System Design: Managing System Variables
Originally published in Chemical Engineering | January 2020
To achieve timely, accurate analytical sampling system measurements, system designers must refine multiple variables related to the system layout and performance. Randy Rieken reviews several interrelated variables and walks through a comprehensive design example to help designers succeed.