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Swagelok Ontario

Your Authorized Swagelok Sales and Service Center

Swage Talks Blog

Swage Talks Blog
A local blog to address your most critical applications.

Welcome to Swage Talks!

The purpose of Swage Talks is to share local fluid system knowledge and solutions with you. Our team at Swagelok Ontario | Atlantic Canada is composed of subject matter experts who are here to provide insight and help you with your application issues. The Swage Talks blog focuses on:

  • Local Support: An introduction to our team of engineers and subject matter experts who support local markets in Ontario and Atlantic Canada.
  • Application Solutions: How to respond to common and nagging application issues.
  • Fluid System Products & Services: Technical considerations which help you optimize system performance.

    These blog posts complement our Tech Talk Webinar program.

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Meet the bloggers!

Our team of engineers and subject matter experts are happy to share their knowledge with you.

Mechanical Solutions Engineer Phil Daniels

Phil Daniels, P.Eng., Mechanical Solutions Engineer

  • Years of Service with Swagelok: 9
  • Swagelok Hose Advisor
  • Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering (Thermofluids)
  • Previously a Mechanical Engineer for an Alt. Fuels Dispenser

Mechanical Solutions Engineer Hassan El Ghoul

Hassan El Ghoul, Mechanical Solutions Engineer

  • Years of Service with Swagelok: 5
  • Specialties include Fluid Mechanics and Regulator Essentials
  • Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering (Fluid Mechanics & Thermodynamics)
  • Previously a Project Manager & Technical Consultant for an Alternative Energy company

Engineering Specialist Max Jantz

Max Jantz, Engineering Specialist

  • Years of Service with Swagelok: 4
  • Custom Solutions Engineering Specialist
  • Bachelor of Engineering (Mechanical & Manufacturing)
  • Focused on the right assembly/solution for your application

Technical Support Engineer Brandon Van Bilsen

Brandon Van Bilsen, Technical Support Engineer

  • Years of Service with Swagelok: 3
  • Engineering Services, Technical Support Engineer
  • Bachelor of Chemical Engineering
  • Health, Safety, and Environment (HSE) Experience, Customer Focus

Braden Coombs

Braden Coombs, Associate Solutions Engineer

  • Years of Service with Swagelok: 1
  • Associate Solutions Engineer-in-Training
  • MSc. Eng. & Project Management (Graduating 2023)
  • Nuclear Applications, Applications Engineering Solutions, Offshore Energy, Major Projects & Construction

Regional Field Engineer Rich Wubs

Rich Wubs, P.Eng., Regional Field Engineer

  • Years of Service with Swagelok: 26
  • Regional Field Engineer, Technical Solutions Design Lead
  • Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering
  • Extensive Experience with Mechanical Systems, CNC Machining, Pump & Skid Systems, Analytical Systems, and Pressure Regulators

Mitchel Hardy Bio Picture

Mitchel Hardy, Associate Solutions Engineer

  • Years of Service with Swagelok: 1
  • Associate Solutions Engineer-in-Training
  • Bachelor of Chemical Engineering
  • Managed acquisition, testing and qualification of new manufacturing and packaging equipment for the Pharmaceutical market
  • Documentation control and quality assurance in the rail industry