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Dwayne Petish, Vice President of Tax and Treasurer

Dwayne Petish

Vice President, Tax and Treasurer

Dwayne Petish joined Swagelok Company in 2020 as treasurer and director of tax. In 2022, he was named to his current role as vice president of tax and treasurer, with responsibility for tax, treasury, payroll, risk, internal audit, and facilities. In this role, Dwayne is focused on supporting the changing needs of the business while enabling strategic decision making that supports the long-term financial health of the company.

Prior to joining Swagelok, Dwayne worked in treasury functions at several multi-national companies. He held his first role in treasury at Eaton and has worked in a treasury capacity ever since—at Lincoln Electric, Cleveland Cliffs, and most recently, Babcock and Wilcox, where he served as vice president and corporate treasurer.

Dwayne holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in business administration and a Master of Business Administration, both from Baldwin Wallace University. Outside of work, he holds a board committee position at the Greater Cleveland Food Bank.